American Council for international law & Arbitration (ACILA) is a worldwide organization devoted to promoting the use and improving the processes of arbitration, conciliation, and other forms of resolving international commercial disputes. Its activities include convening international arbitration congresses and conferences, sponsoring authoritative dispute resolution publications, and promoting the harmonization of arbitration and conciliation rules, laws, procedures, and standards.
ACILA has official status as a nongovernmental organization accredited by the United Nations. In that capacity, ACILA has participated actively in the preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
ACILA consists of Governing Board Members and Members. Governing Board Members are recognized specialists in the field of dispute resolution. ACILA’s Statement of Purposes and Procedures provides that the Members “shall be elected from various parts of the world, from different legal and economic systems, and from developed as well as developing nations.” Persons who have served as Members for long periods are eligible to be designated lifetime Advisory Members. At present, there are 41 Governing Board Members and 17 Advisory Members coming from 33 different countries.
ACILA Members are dispute resolution specialists, who may apply for ACILA membership through this site. All ACILA Members are entitled to membership benefits including listing in hard copy and electronic Membership Directories, and discounts to ACILA publications Congresses, and Conferences.
An ACILA Congress or Conference is held every second year for the presentation and discussion of papers on different aspects of international dispute resolution. These meetings attract a large number of participants from all parts of the world and have made significant contributions to the development of dispute resolution theory and practice. The next ACILA Congress will be held in Miami in April 2014 and the following in Mauritius in 2016.
ACILA’s principal publications, prepared with the assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, include the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, the International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, and the ACILA Congress Series, consisting of the papers presented at the biennial congresses. ACILA also co-sponsors Kluwer Arbitration Online, a fully searchable database in the field of international commercial arbitration.
A : professional membership
- Individual: 800$
- Corporate or Chambers: 2400$ (for up to 4 members)
- Additional corporate or chambers member1000$ (above initial 4 members)
- Middle east scholarship 250 $ (under certain conditions)
B :Special membership: 750$
Membership contributions are made to the ACILA Foundation, established in the USA
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